
Toy News: Official Takara Tomy Images & Product Info for "Studio Series" Rhinox

A few weeks ago Hasbro revealed Studio Series Rise of the Beasts Rhinox during a live stream.  However, they noted during the stream that the colors on the figure they showed off were not final.  Now thanks to a new listing by Takara Tomy, we may have a better look at the final product and (hopefully) how the character appears on screen!  Takara Tomy lists this figure at 6050 Yen (about $

Toy News: Official Images & Product Info for "Rise of the Beasts" Mainline Rhinox

As a follow up to the Rise of the Beasts Voyager Class Optimus Primal and Optimus Prime releases, Rhinox has joined the wave!  This figure appears to be a retool and redeco of Kingdom Rhinox.  This is separate from the upcoming Voyager Class Studio Series Rhinox which will more accurately depict the character as he appears in the film.

Toy News: Hasbro Pulse Reveals Takara Tomy Edition "Rise of the Beasts" Optimus Primal

In a surprise reveal, Hasbro Pulse has posted a listing for a previously unannounced Optimus Primal figure from Rise of the Beasts!  More so than perhaps any (transformable) figure revealed and released to date, this figure appears to be very screen accurate, featuring details in both modes seen in the movie trailers.  This figure is being billed as the "Takara Tomy Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Optimus Primal" indicating the figure will not be widely available outside Japan.  At the moment Hasbro Pulse appears to be the only online venue taking preorders and the irony

Toy News: Japanese Exclusive "Rise of the Beasts" Promotional Figures Revealed

As part of a promotion for the upcoming Rise of the Beasts film, Takara Tomy will be releasing exclusive Nemesis Prime and Burning Optimus Primal figures!  Nemesis Prime is a redeco of Rise of the Beasts Optimus Prime and features the character's signature black, teal, red and silver colors.  Burning Optimus Primal is a redeco of Kingdom Optimus Primal featuring the clear red color based on his appearance in the Beast Wars II movie (which has been made into toys before).

Toy News: Official Images and Product Info for "Beast Wars Again" Cheetor vs Waspinator

Takara Tomy Mall has posted a new listing for the third entry in their Beast Wars Again series.  These previously released figures from the Kingdom series and giving them premium decos based on the how the characters appeared in the Beast Wars Transformers cartoon series.  The third set features Cheetus (aka Cheetor) vs Waspeter (aka Waspinator) in beautiful decos that go way beyond what was released in Kingdom!  This set has an MSRP of 7700 Yen (about $57.39 USD

Collectibles: Yolopark Reveals "Rise of the Beasts" Optimus Primal AMK Series Model

Yolopark has updated their Facebook Page with new images and product info for their upcoming Rise of the Beasts Optimus Primal AMK model kit.  These kits generally come preassembled and painted.  Highly detailed and articulated, they are essentially high end non-transforming action figures fit for display!  This also gives us some of the best images of what Primal may look like in the final film since (presumably) this model was based on the CG model used in the film.  Here are the details on the kit from Facebook: