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Toy News: Takara Tomy Reveals "Transformers Wild King"
First hinted at last year, Takara Tomy has posted listings that reveal their upcoming Transformers toy line: Wild King! This series focuses on beast-Transformers that can combine with their respective leaders to form Combiners through the "Wild-ocking" process. The series is d
Toy Review: "Studio Series" Core Class Mohawk
Mohawk is one of Megatron's loyal warriors. Loud mouthed but dangerous, he is agile and transforms into a sleek motorcycle. Check out my review and gallery of Studio Series Mohawk!
Toy Review: "Buzzworthy Bumblebee" Autotrooper
Toy Review: Peace on Cybertron maintained in part by armies of Autotroopers. Check out my review and gallery of the "Buzzworthy Bumblebee" Autotrooper.
Sponsor News BBTS: X-Men, Mazinger, Hot Deals, Scooby-Doo, Final Fantasy, Doom, Transformers & More!
Toy Review: "Buzzworthy Bumblebee" Quintesson Trooper
Many enemies of the Quintessons fear their powerful Sharkticon warriors, but lesser known are their Allicon warriors who come in many different models. Check out my review and gallery of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee Quintes
Toy News: Walmart Lists "Age of the Primes" Excellion and Sideways
At Toy Fair 2025 Hasbro revealed two upcoming figures: Age of the Primes Excellion and Sideways based on the characters from the Cybertron cartoon. Now thanks to Walmart we have official images and info on these figures! Both will be released during Wa
Sponsor News BBTS: Marvel Legends, G.I. Joe, Jaws, Tamashii Nations, Transformers, Star Wars, TMNT & More!
Comic Books: Skybound Announces "The Transformers" Compendium Set Kickstarter
**Press Release**
Toy News: Official Images & Info for "Missing Link" Arcee
Takara Tomy Mall has posted its official listings for the upcoming Missing Link Arcee figures! Unlike previous Missing Link figures, this is the first not base