"Studio Series" Brawn Toy Review


General Information:
Release Date: February 2022
Price Point: $22.99 (depending on retailer)
Retailer: General Release (Amazon, BigBadToyStore, Entertainment Earth, Target, Walmart etc.)
Accessories: Blaster, Drill Attachment

Official images and product description in italics below are from Amazon:

  • STUDIO SERIES DELUXE CLASS: Deluxe Class figures are 4.5-inch collectible action figures inspired by iconic movie scenes and designed with specs and details to reflect the Transformers movie universe, now including The Transformers: The Movie!
  • 4.5-INCH SCALE BRAWN: Figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco, is highly articulated for posability and comes with drill and 2-handed blaster accessories inspired by the film
  • BIG SCREEN INSPIRED: Figure scale reflects the character’s size in the world of Transformers: Bumblebee. Figure and packaging are inspired by the iconic Cybertron Falls scene
  • 2 ICONIC MODES: Figure features classic conversion between robot and Cybertronian off-road vehicle modes in 18 steps. Perfect for fans looking for a more advanced converting figure. For kids and adults ages 8 and up
  • REMOVABLE BACKDROP: Removable backdrop displays Brawn figure in the Cybertron Falls scene. Fans can use the backdrop and pose their figures in the scene with their own style

This Studio Series 80 Deluxe Class Transformers: Bumblebee-inspired Brawn figure converts from robot to Cybertronian off-road vehicle mode in 18 steps. Remove backdrop to showcase Brawn in the Cybertron Falls scene. In the Cybertron Falls scene from Transformers: Bumblebee, Brawn helps his Autobot allies hold the line against the Decepticons before being knocked by an enemy blast. Pose the figure out with the included drill and blaster accessories and imagine recreating this classic movie moment!

The opening of the Bumblebee Movie featured a fast paced battle scene on Cybertron. This scene featured the Cybertronian versions of many characters based on fan favorite G1 characters. One of these was the Autobot Brawn, who briefly appears before being blasted in combat. You can check out this awesome scene in the embedded video below.


As part of the 2022 Studio Series line, Hasbro and Takara Tomy would release several characters based on this Cybertronian battle scene including, Brawn. Now, technically this is not the first time Brawn has appeared as a member of the live action movie universe. Back in 2010, Hasbro released a Deluxe Class Brawn figure which represented the Autobot with an Earth-based alt-form of a pickup truck. This figure however represents Brawn's pre-Earth form on Cybertron while still taking design cues from the G1 version of the character.

Brawn comes in a standard Studio Series box. His artwork is very prominent on the front and looks like it sbased right off the CG model. Part of the reason the artwork is so large is that the window has been made smaller so you see a bit less of the figure than previous releases. At first I thought this was due to the initiative to reduce plastic usage in Transformers packaging, but there is still a plastic sheet over the window like packaging from previous years. That said, I think this packaging represents an intermediary step between having the large plastic windows of the past and the non-plastic covered windows that will be very present in 2022 and beyond. Part of the reason I think this is the figure itself is attached to a cardboard tray inside the box instead of sitting in a plastic try. This cardboard piece has a portion of the background scene on it to give the figure a nice backdrop.

The back of the box features Brawn in both modes calling out an 18 step transformation. Instead of a function, the box calls out the scene he is in as "Cybertron Falls". Like past Studio Series figures, Brawn comes with a backdrop to act as a display piece. The background features part of the scene from Cybertron during the opening battle scene and it looks great.

Brawn includes two accessories:

  • Blaster: This weapon appeared on screen with Brawn as he held it in both hands. The barrel is long and thins out towards the middle before widening again towards the back. The back section is rectangular in shape and the back ends in a cone shaped piece. The scene on Cybertron took place in darkness, so it is hard to compare the weapon that came with this figure directly with the CG model. However, Hasbro has stated that they used Paramount's CG assets when designing this figure, so aside from the general shape of the weapon many of the smaller details on it likely come right from that model. The weapon has an opening at the end of the barrel that accommodates Blast Effects. The weapon is held via a 5mm peg, but there is a 3mm peg on top and a 3mm port on the bottom towards the middle. Another 3mm port is found on the right side, middle section. This allows the drill weapon to attach to the blaster using a small port at the base of the drill.
  • Drill Attachment: This accessory did not appear in the film. This one is a drill with three large blade sections. This piece is grey plastic with silver paint applications on the drill blades. It has a 3mm port allowing you to attach it to the blaster. The end has a 5mm peg allowing Brawn to hold it like a melee weapon.

Robot Mode:
This figure is labeled as a Deluxe Class, but similar in style to Earthrise Cliffjumper this figure is smaller than the typical Deluxe, measuring 4.5 inches (about 11.43 cm) instead of the more typical 5 inch (12.7 cm) Deluxe figures. He does include a large weapon and the drill attachment of course so you have to count that, but overall he looks like a figure that is at some mid-point between a traditional Scout Class and a modern day Deluxe.

Brawn does not appear very long in the Bumblebee movie, but the "Bee Vision" AR Experience gave us a good look at a still of the animation model (which you can see in the gallery below). Comparing this figure to that CG model really drives home just how great it is that Paramount has shared the CG models with Hasbro to use in their design proces. Most of Brawn's key details from the CG model are reflected here. This includes his torso section which includes a hood like section that comes up behind his head. It also includes his tube shaped forearms, shoulders which have two armor layers and legs that look like he is wearing thick, giant boots. Of course, his head sculpt with its distinctive face also comes right from the CG model. Part of what I love about this figure are the design elements that are inspired by G1 Brawn. This includes the part that wraps around behind his head and the round "helmet" section of his head. Even if you did not see the movie, if you are a G1 fan you are likely to recognize the G1 Brawn inspiration in this figure. I love the way Brawn in this universe retains the chonky feel of the G1 figure.

Brawn's colors in the film and on this figure are also based on the G1 character. The main plastic colors are green, orange and gunmetal grey. The orange color is very light and borderlines on being yellow, true to G1 Brawn. Silver and green paint is used for detailing on the figure. He also has a small, white Autobot symbol on his chest. For the most part, his colors match up nicely with the color layout on the CG model. However, the CG model has weathering on it that is not present on this figure, so one can consider this Brawn in his "pristine" state before combat started wearing him down.

There are twenty four points of articulation on this figure. This includes five in each arm and six in each leg. The head articulation is limited of course due to being surrounded by the "hood" piece. It really doesn't bother me however. You can strike some cool poses with the figure. Both weapons can fit in his fists and you can connect them together using the smaller peg and ports. You can also attach the blaster to the small peg on his back, though it does not hold very securely. There are also 5mm ports under his feet, allowing you to attach accessories like those from Siege Weaponizers.

Transformation to Vehicle Mode:

  1. Detach the accessories and set them aside for now.
  2. Straighten out the arms and legs.
  3. Swing the back piece out.
  4. Swing the panel with the robot head on it forward.
  5. Swing the piece with the two wheels on it out and forward.
  6. Raise each arm up out to the sides.
  7. Rotate the arms around at the shoulders, then swing them in and tuck the forearms under the round "windshield" piece.
  8. Point the robot feet down, then swing the lower leg sections forward and down.
  9. Rotate the lower legs around so the robot feet and knee armor sections are facing outward.
  10. Rotate the waist around.
  11. Swing the legs forward. Each leg connects to the front of the vehicle via a tab in the front and by locking into the front wheels.
  12. The drill can be attached to the front of the vehicle and the blaster can attach to the small peg on top of the vehicle.

Vehicle Mode:
When the special effects artists at Paramount created the character designs for the Cybertron battle sequence, they only designed alt-modes for some of the characters. Brawn was not designed with an alt-mode, so it was up to Hasbro to take the robot mode design and figure out a transformation and vehicle mode for it. To that end, they came up with something unexpectedly neat in my book. Brawn transforms into a Cybertronian truck, nut instead of the very blocky, rectangular shape of his G1 form, this one is a more scifi looking round shape. To me, it almost feels like something you would see in "Heavy Metal" magazine. The vehicle has a bubble shaped cabin section in front (or at least, what I interpret as one) and a rounded section in the back with an opening that one could imagine as a storage area. The wheels are close together in the front and wide on the back. It is a very unusual design and I love it!

This mode shows off all the same colors as the robot mode but the orange gets a lot more attention from the front to the back and even on the sides. The gunmetal grey details also feature nicely on the sides. If there were some weathering effects and a few more deco points on the sides and the rear wheels I think the deco would have been perfect.

In a fun homage to G1, the designers added some functionality to this mode. The drill accessory can attach to the front of the vehicle. Rotate the front grille up to reveal the 5mm port, then attach the drill. This calls back to the G1 episode "The Ultimate Doom Part One" where Brawn helped a team of Autobots go underground by deploying a drill in vehicle mode and tunneling underground. I absolutely love that such an obscure ability was pulled out of the past to be used in this figure's design! You can also attach Brawn's blaster to the top of the vehicle using the small peg above the windshield. It really gives the vehicle a powerful appearance.

Final Thoughts:
When the Cybertronian Battle sequence played out in front of me on screen for the first time I decided then and there I wanted toys of every single character shown. That desire has not changed and this figure has brought me one step closer to having that cast of characters. I love the design of this figure in both modes and the transformation is very different than your typical Transformers figure while still being intuitive. I am very impressed. Highly recommended!


  • Excellent sculpt in both modes.
  • Good deco.
  • Good articulation.
  • Intuitive transformation.
  • Fun accessories (including a G1 homage!).


  • The size of the figure may turn some fans off given the price point.
  • The deco could be a bit better (but I like it).

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