"Dinobots" Grimlock & Terranotron 2 Pack Toy Review
General Information
Price Point: $10.99
Retailer: Wal-Mart Exclusive
Packaging: Bubble Card Two Pack Release Date: March 2003
Transformation Difficulty Level: 3 (Advanced)
General Information
Price Point: $10.99
Retailer: Wal-Mart Exclusive
Packaging: Bubble Card Two Pack Release Date: March 2003
Transformation Difficulty Level: 3 (Advanced)
Since the days of Generation One Dinobots have been one of the most beloved parts of the "Transformers" toy line. At key points in the history of the toy line, Dinobots were given their own sub-lines of figures. This section focuses on reviews of those Transformers who have the honor of bearing the name "Dinobot".
General Information:
Release Year: July 2003
Retailer: OTFCC 2003 Exclusive.
Price: Special included with rooms for pre-registrants (one night in
the room was $140+ after taxes)
Accessories: Missiles x 2, Missile holders x 2
General Information:
Price Point/Size: Deluxe
Retailers: General (K-Mart, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Kay Bee)
Release Date: June 2003
Transformation Difficulty Level: 2 (Intermediate)
Accessories: Tail/Axe weapon
General Information:
Price Point/Size: Deluxe
Retailers: General (K-Mart, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Kay Bee)
Release Date: June 2003
Transformation Difficulty Level: 2 (Intermediate)
Accessories: Missiles x 2
General Information:
Release Year: July 2003
Retailer: OTFCC 2003 Exclusive.
Price: $41.00
Accessories: Missiles x 2, Missile holders x 2
General Information:
Release Year: July 2003
Retailer: Official Transformers Collector's Convention Exclusive
Price: $65.00
Transformation Difficulty Level: 3 (Advanced)
Accessories: Gun/blade x 2, Missile x 2, Missile launcher x 2
General Information:
Price Point/Size: Deluxe
Retailers: General (K-Mart, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Kay Bee)
Release Date: June 2003
Transformation Difficulty Level: 2 (Intermediate)
Accessories: Missile
General Information:
Price Point/Size: Ultra (Approximately $19.99, depending on retailer)
Retailers: General (K-Mart, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Kay Bee)
Release Date: July 2003
Transformation Difficulty Level: 3 (Advanced)
Accessories: Missiles x 2, Wing missiles x 2, Missile launchers x 2
General Information:
Release Year: July 2003
Retailer: General (Target, Toys R Us, Kay Bee etc.)
Price: $19.99
Accessories: Missiles x 4, Mace, Swords x 2