Toy Review: "Buzzworthy Bumblebee" Autotrooper
Toy Review: Peace on Cybertron maintained in part by armies of Autotroopers. Check out my review and gallery of the "Buzzworthy Bumblebee" Autotrooper.
Toy Review: Peace on Cybertron maintained in part by armies of Autotroopers. Check out my review and gallery of the "Buzzworthy Bumblebee" Autotrooper.
Many enemies of the Quintessons fear their powerful Sharkticon warriors, but lesser known are their Allicon warriors who come in many different models. Check out my review and gallery of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee Quintesson Trooper!
The backbone of Liege Maximo's army are soldiers who do his bidding without question. This second Generation of warriors lacks any compassion or mercy! Check out my review and gallery of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee G2 Cybertronian Trooper.
In his plan for conquest, Megatron relies on armies of Seeker aerial warriors to do his bidding! Check out my review and gallery of the "Buzzworthy Bumblebee" Decepticon Seeker.
Shortly after searching for energy on Cybertron, Autobot Jazz joined Optimus Prime and a crew of Autobots onboard the Ark to seek out energy away from the dead husk of Cybertron. Check out my review and gallery of Buzzworthy Bumblebee Origin Jazz!