War for Cybertron: Kingdom
Toy Review: "Generations" Battle Across Time Sideswipe & Skywarp
Autobots and Maximals unite to fight the evil Decepticons and Predacons in a Battle Across Time! Check out my catch up review and gallery of the Kingdom two pack featuring Sideswipe and Skywarp!
Toy Review: "Generations" War for Cybertron: Kingdom Cyclonus
Created by the evil Unicron to serve as Galvatron's right hand, Cyclonus is completely loyal to his leader and executes his orders with brutal efficiency! Check out my review and gallery of "Kingdom" Cyclonus!
Toy Review: "Generations" War for Cybertron: Kingdom Core Class Hot Rod
If you've been wanting a turbo revvin' young punk in your Core Class collection, "Kingdom" and "Legacy" have you covered with Core Class Hot Rod! Check out my review and gallery of this cool new figure!
"Generations" War for Cybertron Kingdom Hot Rod Toy Review
General Information:
Release Date: March 2022
Price Point: $9.99 (depending on retailer)
Retailer: General Release (Amazon, Target, Walmart etc.)
Accessories: Spoiler, Sword
Toy Review: "Generations" War for Cybertron: Kingdom Jackpot with Sights
Jackpot is an Autobot with unusual luck and Sights is his loyal partner who transforms into devastating weaponry. Together the two make one dynamic duo! Check out my review and gallery of Kingdom Jackpot with Sights from the Golden Disk Collection!
"Generations" War for Cybertron: Kingdom Jackpot with Sights Toy Review
General Information
Release Date: January 2022
Price Point: $22.99 (depending on retailer)
Retailer: Amazon Exclusive (with limited quantities sold on Hasbro Pulse)
Accessories: Blaster, Sights Battle Master, Blast Effect
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