Toy Review: "Generations" Battle Across Time Sideswipe & Skywarp
Autobots and Maximals unite to fight the evil Decepticons and Predacons in a Battle Across Time! Check out my catch up review and gallery of the Kingdom two pack featuring Sideswipe and Skywarp!
Toy Review: "Studio Series" 86 Kup
Kup is a veteran of countless battles and has lived to tell the tale, and tell it he will! Kup loves sharing war stories much to the delight of the Dinobots. Check out my review and gallery of Studio Series Kup!
Toy Review: "Studio Series" 86 Grimlock with Wheelie
Fans have been getting Dinobot toys for years, but not quite in this scale. Thanks to the Studio Series 86 line, we have been getting a series of Leader Class Dinobots that kicked off with Grimlock! Check out my review and gallery of this awesome release.
Toy Review: "Generations" War for Cybertron: Kingdom Cyclonus
Created by the evil Unicron to serve as Galvatron's right hand, Cyclonus is completely loyal to his leader and executes his orders with brutal efficiency! Check out my review and gallery of "Kingdom" Cyclonus!
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