
Toy News: Official Images and Product Info for "Beast Wars Again" Cheetor vs Waspinator

Takara Tomy Mall has posted a new listing for the third entry in their Beast Wars Again series.  These previously released figures from the Kingdom series and giving them premium decos based on the how the characters appeared in the Beast Wars Transformers cartoon series.  The third set features Cheetus (aka Cheetor) vs Waspeter (aka Waspinator) in beautiful decos that go way beyond what was released in Kingdom!  This set has an MSRP of 7700 Yen (about $57.39 USD

Toy News: "Rise of the Beasts" Scorponok will be a Toys 'R' Us Exclusive in Japan

About a week and a half ago it was announced that Hasbro would be releasing several Rise of the Beasts figures under the Target exclusive Buzzworthy Bumblebee line.  One of these figures was Scorponok, partnered with a small scorpion Battle Master style figure named Sandspear.  In Japan however, this figure will be a Toys 'R' Us exclusive.  Thanks to its official listing, we have official information and new images (including modes not shown by Hasbro!).  Check out the info and pics below (with some help from Google Translate

Toy News: Takara Tomy Announces "Beast Wars Vintage" Versus Set

While Kingdom has come and gone from toy store shelves, Takara Tomy is nowhere near done with the new iterations of Beast Wars era characters!  Leaked earlier this week but officially revealed today, Takara Tomy has revealed a new sub-series of figures they have dubbed "Beast Wars Vintage" (not to be confused with the Wal-Mart exclusive "Vintage Beast Wars" reissues).  The first set of these figures feature redecos of Kingdom Megatron and Optimus Primal.

Toy News: Official "Vintage Beast Wars" Iguanus Pics & Info

Hasbro Pulse has posted a listing for the Vintage Beast Wars release of Iguanus!  Like previous Vintage Beast Wars releases, this is a reissue (or "re-creation" as the description states) of the original figure from 1996 featuring a spring loaded transformation.  The figure is in stock at Pulse now and will run you $24.99 USD.  Check out the official information and pics of the figure below: