Italian "Generation 2" Tecnobots (aka Gobots) Images & Translations


Generation 2 Italian Tecnobots (aka Gobots) Images & Translations

In 1994 Hasbro released an assortment of small Transformers figures under the subgroup "Gobots".  These figures were sized to be able to use the same track accessories as Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars.  The figures even featured "high speed racing axles" to simulate the way those cars would roll!  Each figure featured a simple transformation into a small robot.  The first set featured six characters: Blowout, Double Clutch, Firecracker, Gearhead, High Beam and Motormouth.

In Italy, these characters were released by the toy company GiG in 1994. However, instead of being called Gobots, this version of the subgroup were called the Tecnobots!  Each member of the team also had a different name than their American counterparts.  Interestingly, these figures had new tech specs.  While some of them borrowed from the American tech specs (ex: Firecracker's temper and Double Clutch being a Defense Specialist) the text is different and in some cases unique to that character (ex: Puma's).  Some interesting notes:

  • "Tecnobots" recalls the G1 Technobots subgroup name even though the two seemingly have no connection other than being Autobots.
  • As translated via Google Translate, the packaging still has a focus on the "High Speed Racing Axles" but instead of using that term it uses the text: "They are quick vehicles that transform into powerful robots!"
  • While each card features artwork of the individual character, Puma (aka High Beam) appears in vehicle mode on all the cards regardless of character.
  • The tech specs lack any stat numbers (ex: Strength, Intelligence etc.).
  • The Decepticons are referred to as the "Distructors" on this packaging while Autobots are "Autorobots".

I have posted translations of the text (via Google Translate) from the packaging along with a gallery of the figures on card below.  Enjoy!

ARIES (aka Gearhead)
He is the most stubborn of the Autorobots: from a powerful stock car he transforms in battle and becomes a courageous Transformers ready for any challenge.  Stubborn like few others, he prefers head-on collisions and, as his name suggests, he has the strength and impetuosity of a true ram! Just what you need against the tenacious Distructors.

BUFFALO (aka Motormouth)
Intelligence is not his strong point, but everyone respects him because he is\ strong and loyal.  It is a very robust Autorobot vehicle, but if necessary it becomes a very powerful Transformers good for all uses.  So be careful Distructor, you better stay away from this true fury
of nature!

LEON (aka Blowout)
Never have I seen a Transformers so thirsty for high-speed chases.  Quick as lightning he becomes a relentless warrior when he transforms
into a robot. His motto is "I will chase you wherever you go" and he shouts it at the Distructors and even at his fellow Autobots when
they make him angry!

PUMA (aka High Beam)
Fast and agile like a feline.  He combines great sprinting skills with a remarkable intelligence quotient.  He's the smartest of the group.
When he transforms into a robot and faces a Destructor, there's no one who can stop him from charging into battle!

LIGHTNING OF FIRE (aka Firecracker)
It's the fastest Transformers that ever existed. He can't tolerate going slow. He has the character of a raging bull always ready to throw himself into battle. From a fast Autorobot he transforms into a powerful Transformers, ready to launch himself against the evil Distructors!

SPRINTER (aka Double Clutch)
It's a fast single-seater that transforms into the most incredible and sophisticated Transformers.  And recognized as the fastest at intercepting enemy offensives and alerting your teammates that the time has come to transform to face the  Distructors!

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