August 8, 2021 represents the 35th Anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie feature film debuting in theaters. Aside from making me feel tremendously ancient, this anniversary also has me in a reflective mood and I thought I would take a walk down memory lane.
My first exposure to The Transformers: The Movie was a table set up at a Creation Convention in Anaheim, CA in June of 1986 (you can read an old article about this con here). Upon walking into the dealer's room, one of the first tables I came across was a (rather bored looking) gentleman with a small TV set up on his table just playing the trailer for the film on repeat. In front of him were small xerox copies of the movie poster (I recall taking at least two). What I did not understand at the time is that the trailer being shown was not exactly representative of what I would see in the film. The trailer he was playing was the early trailer which featured animation not used in the film including a huge shot of Metroplex in "battle station" mode and Ultra Magnus in his Diaclone colors (who we call Delta Magnus nowadays). For the uninitiated you can see the trailer below (via The Spacebridge on Youtube):

The movie theater was not the only way to experience the film however. In time I would pick up a comic book adaptation of the film by Marvel Comics. While this was released in three parts in the United States, my first exposure to it was actually a combined edition from the UK (cover image below from the Transformers Wiki):

Home Release