"Generations" Fall of Cybertron Rumble & Ravage Toy Review


General Information:
Release Date: November 2012
Price Point: $10.99 (depending on retailer)
Retailer: General (Toys R Us, Target, Wal-Mart etc.)
Accessories: Disc Cases x 2

*Images above with asterisks and text below in italics are from the Toys R Us Web Site:
Pop into some 'explosive' TRANSFORMERS action with these special DECEPTICON RUMBLE and RAVAGE figures! These DECEPTICON villains lie in wait in sneaky data disc mode until an unsuspecting AUTOBOT comes by. With the push of a button, these DECEPTICON RUMBLE and RAVAGE figures come flying out in robot mode! Will the AUTOBOTS be able to handle these lightning-quick DECEPTICONS? Only you can decide!


  • Both figures auto-convert from data disc mode to robot mode!
  • Figures pop out in robot mode with the push of a button!

In the days of Generation One, the Decepticons bolstered their forces with several Decepticons who transformed into cassette tapes. They worked with the Decepticon Soundwave, and were famous for being stored in his chest compartment until he needed them deployed. The recent Voyager Class Soundwave figure duplicates that functionality and once again the "cassettes" deploy form his chest compartment. Instead of rectangular cassettes however, this time these little guys all transform into "data discs", and they are being released in two packs in the same configurations as their "Generation One" counterparts.

Hot on the heels of Soundwave's release are Rumble and Ravage. These two were released as a pair back in the 80's, and now they're together again! This two pack was packaged with two plastic cases, each cast in translucent purple with a large Decepticon symbol painted on in lavender. You can store each character in their "disc" form inside these cases. These cases are a callback to the Generation One figures and their Japanese releases which contained clear cassette cases (which were popular with the real life cassettes back in the day). Each disc fits nice and snug into the cases, which swing open nicely in the front on a hinge.

While not quite in alphabetical order, the packaging lists "Rumble" then "Ravage" so that's the order I'll review them in.

Rumble Review

Rumble was the most heavily featured Decepticons in the first couple years of the "Transformers" cartoon. In the toyline, he was colored red and black. In the cartoon, he was colored blue (the primary color of his toy counterpart, Frenzy). For years this ignited debates among fans as to just what color Rumble and Frenzy really were (affectionately known as "FIRRIB" for "Frenzy is Red, Rumble is Blue"). At least for now, it seems Hasbro has put out an answer: Rumble is blue! Note: Rumble is pictured above with G1 Frenzy just to show the color influence for the figure.

Robot Mode:
Most "Generations" releases try to show some design elements of the character as their original series toy and/or cartoon appearance appeared. Rumble's original alternate form was a cassette, allowing his robot form to have mostly blocky and angular design elements. With this new iteration of Rumble his alternate form is round, so it's a bit harder to work that shape in. Most of the robot details in this form are compressed and/or hidden in disc form. Here some are angular while many are curved. The parts that echo his G1 form are his arms and head. The arms are flat on the outside, but rectangular and blocky on the inside. The head has a design similar to the G1 version of the character, complete with a crest in the center, visor eyes and flattened sections on the sides with ridges.

The rest of the character's design is somewhat generic. The chest has some "wing" like patterns on them, which are a way for the designers to utilize the sculpt again as the Autobot cassettes Eject and Rewind who had a similar design in their G1 incarnations. His mid-body to waist has several pointed, arrow like details in layers. his legs are curved with line details worked into the design. Overall it's a design that echoes the original figure but has modern design sensibilities working with the limitations of the alternate form.

Rumble is cast in blue, black and gunmetal grey plastic. This shade is a bit darker than the blue used on the G1 Frenzy toy or G1 Rumble's animation model, which fits with his appearance in the "Fall of Cybertron" video game. The blue is the primary color, with the other two colors breaking up the blue on the shoulders, waist, thighs and feet. Paint applications are done in red, silver, purple, gunmetal and light blue. It's a small figure measuring about 3 inches (about 7.5 centimeters) so the paint details can be quite intricate. His eyes are painted red and his face silver. Silver is also used on his mid-body and on the side panels of the arms and legs as part of the disc detailing. Gunmetal is found on the legs, painting the Y shaped stripe on the legs. Light blue serves as the counterpoint color to the silver on the side panels, which come together nicely in his alternate form.

There are two points of articulation on this figure: the arms. His legs can bend at the knees, but they're spring loaded so they don't stay in place, they just kick forward. His fists are designed to hold 3mm peg weapons, also known as the ones included with Cyberverse figures.

To transform Rumble into disc mode, raise his arms up. Push in his feet. Push his arms together, then swing the legs out to the sides. Swing the center section up, twist around the legs and swing them up against the panels formed from the arms.

How well Rumble transforms when deployed from Soundwave's chest is largely dependent on how he lands. If he just lands on his side and rolls off, then he pretty much stays in disc form. If you manage to land him on the back of the disc form and get the button on the back pressed, he (mostly) auto-transforms int robot mode. To finish the transform, rotate the arms down and swing the feet out.

Disc Mode:
In his disc form Rumble is flat on one side with texturing on the sides thanks to the details on his legs. There is a circular depression towards the center then a raised circle in the center. While he is mostly blue in this form, the paint applications on top wind up providing most of the color. This mostly manifests itself as an intricate light blue and silver circuit-like pattern. In the center circle there is a silver Decepticon symbol on a light blue background. The colors make him look almost like he is glowing with energy and it ooks great.

Ravage Review

G1 Ravage was one of my first "Transformers" back in the day. The character has popped up in the "Transformers" toy line many times over the years, but it's been a while since he came out with Rumble so this two pack feels nice and nostalgic.

Beast Mode:
Ravage is a mechanical feline in beast mode. While his G1 form was very flat and angular, this one is curved, layered with detail with some angled parts. The only part that really pays homage to his G1 counterpart is the angular design of his head which has layers of details on the side but his teeth are all showing and he looks a lot more savage than G1 Ravage. The rest of him looks more like it was "inspired" by G1 Ravage but not necesarily a full on homage. This includes the circles at the base of each leg where it connects to the main body and his angled paws. One very smart design element are the two panels that form his back. These two panels wind up forming a lot of detail for the figure and from the back panel he has a tail that extends out. The only awkward looking bit is this same piece, which is a tad oversized for the rest of the figure, resulting in a tail that looks a bit large relative to his legs and head. It's a small nit pick but worth noting.

Ravage is cast entirely in black, which was the primary color of the character in Generation One. Silver and gold are used for paint detailing. Gold is only found on his eyes, and it's a nice touch since that's the color used on the Generation One figure for the eyes. The rest of the details are silver. They range from the lower legs, the base of the neck to parts near the top of each leg. His teeth are also silver, bringing out the details and making him look even more fierce!

There are seven points of articulation on this figure. Each of the rear legs can move at the base and knees. His front lower legs can also be posed. his tail can also be posed, moving up and down (and it stays in place!).

To convert to the disc mode, swing the rear lower legs up. Swing the tail into the panel on his back. Rotate the rear legs up so the circuit pattern faces up. Swing the head back, which will also bring the front arms back with it. Swing the rear panel up and cover the head with it. Now swing the rear legs up to complete the disc form. When transforming back to beast mode, press the button on the back and he'll perform most of his transformation in one shot. You'll need to swing out the tail and lower legs. On three different "eject" tests from Soundwave, he didn't transform at all one time, partly transformed another and then on the third try he transformed most of the way (needing only the tail and legs to be swung out after).

Disc Mode:
In disc form, Ravage has a similar shape to Rumble with a raised outer circle, a smaller inner circle and then a raised circle in the center. Silver is used to paint a Decepticon symbol in the center and a "circuit" pattern on the rest of the disc. It is important to note that this "circuit" pattern is not the same as the one used on Rumble, which is cool to see since it helps make the two look very different in this form beyond the basic plastic color.

Final Thoughts:
This smaller sized two pack doesn't feature large (or even Scout Class) robots, but they are fun on their own. Being part of Soundwave's team is a plus of course, and the "auto transform" feature while not perfect, is very cool to see when it does activate properly. I'm also glad they can interact with Soundwave, giving them more play value. Recommended, though they are not your typical small sized Transformers!

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