War for Cybertron
Toy Review: "Generations Selects" Greasepit
Toy Review: Based on the Micromaster base from G1, this new version of Greasepit can transform from a base to a robot and more! Check out my review and gallery of "Generations Selects" Greasepit!
Toy News: HasLab Posts Unicron Transformation Video (bonus: scans of the instruction booklet!)
For a few weeks now fans who backed the gigantic HasLab Unicron action figure have started to receive their Unicron figures (others are still waiting for delivery notifications, unfortunately). With such a large figure it is not surprising that some fans find the transformation of the figure daunting. To that end, Hasbro has posted an official video showing the conversion from planet mode (the mode it is packed in) to robot mode! As a bonus, I've scanned the instructions included with the figure and included them in this post. Enjoy!
Toy News: DaimChoc Reports Posts Hasbro Netflix Wave 3 Deluxe Photos
The awesome DaimChoc Reports has posted clear stock photography of the third wave of Deluxe Netflix figures that have already begun hitting some Walmarts around the United States! These show off some of the beautiful deco on the figures. Oddly, there has not yet been any official announcement of these figures and they were not posted during yesterday's Walmart/Hasbro Pulse event. News credit goes to DaimChoc Reports.
Toy News: "War for Cybertron" Netflix "Spoiler Pack" Spoiled
Yesterday Walmart and Hasbro Pulse launched a bunch of new pre-orders. Among the figures revealed were a Walmart/Hasbro Pulse exclusive "spoiler pack" based on the Netflix animated series. Each wave of the Netflix figures thus far has had a "spoiler pack" so this was to be expected. What is surprising is that only one day after the reveal of the box, the Smythe's web s
"Generations" War for Cybertron: Siege Combat Megatron Toy Review
General Information:
Release Date: February 2019
Price Point: $29.99 (depending on retailer)
Retailer: Limited Release (Hasbro Pulse, BigBadToyStore, Entertainment Earth etc.)
Accessories: "D50-R35 Fusion Cannon," "HPR Telescopic Laserstrike Launcher" (combines to form "NFM Particle Beam Megalauncher")
Toy Reviews: "Generations" War for Cybertron Cordon & Spin-Out
One is a forgetful (but extremely skilled) trooper, the other was originally a piloted mecha who gained sentience. Together Cordon and Spin-Out are a formidable pair of Autobots! Check out my review and gallery of this Generations Selects two pack inspired by the Diaclone era.
Toy News: HasLab Unicron to Ship in March 2021
In 2019 Hasbro launched an ambitious project to crowd fund the biggest Transformers action figure ever (to be) made: Unicron! The HasLab project was backed and after some delay, we now know that Unicron will be shipping from Hasbro in March 2021! So if you backed this project (or purchased from a retailer) start clearing shelves and making room for this ginormous Dark God of the Transformers universe. Check out the text from the email sent to HasLab backers below along with a link to an awesome video featuring the manufacturing process.
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