General Information: It's repaint season! As most fans know by now, the third and fourth waves of most Transformers lines nowadays involve a significant portion of the waves being made up of toy redecos. However, unlike most recent redecos which were just "powered up" versions of the original toys such as Energon Ironhide, this one is a new characters. Beachcomber is a redeco of the Cliffjumper toy. Check out that review for detailed info on the toy itself. This review will cover the changes made to the toy for this release. Vehicle Mode: Yellow comes into play on smaller parts such as the triggers of the missile launchers and the springs on the rear wheels. Gold is used for the sides of the wheels. The windows are black. In a tiny bit of disappointment the engine isn't colored. It would have been nice to see this spray painted silver or something to make it look less plain. Still, the overall color combination works and looks really nice. Robot Mode: The lower arms are the same dark brown as the tires and his fists are grey. The grey continues from his waist to his upper legs. However, the mid-torso section has a break in the grey with that section painted brown with blue and yellow details. The waist also has some blue and brown as well. The lower legs are basically just the sides of the vehicle mode facing forward. However, it is ncie to see that the dark blue details against the blue plastic are more prominant here. I'm actually very happy with the robot mode deco here. Light grey is a good color to use, but it can also quickly become monotonous if one is not careful. By carefully choosing parts to break the grey, and then using a heavy contrasting color like blue, the robot mode looks varied and exciting rather than dull. For those curious, Beachcomber utilizes the same sound effect as Cliffjumper, and does not include the two AAA batteries required to activate the sound. Lower Body Mode: The legs reveal more grey, but since the mid joint between the upper and lower legs is blue, it provides a clean visual break between them. The silver, red and black on the lower legs really look nice too. What's nice is that the grey and blue are neutral enough colors that many 'bots can Powerlink with Beachcomber without looking out of place. Upper Body Mode: One thing I did like seeing was the attention paid to the Autobot symbol on his "V" shaped chest piece. Although the designers could have easily just painted the Autobot symbol red, they went the extra step of making the background of the symbol white, bringing it out a lot more. By no means does this form look bad. The blue is still easily seen and present, and in fact having this form be mostly grey makes it easier to match him up to other Autobots color-wise. Final Thoughts: ![]() |
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