General Information
Release Date: Q4 2020
Price Point: $19.99 (depending on retailer)
Retailer: General Release (Amazon, BigBadToyStore, Entertainment Earth, Target, Walmart etc.)
Accessories: Shield
Official images and text in italics are from
- Transformers Kingdom Deluxe Warpath Figure: A Powerhouse Fusion of G1 Nostalgia and Modern Storytelling
- Beastify the Battlefield: Unleash primal power with F.O.S.S.I.L. technology, allowing this figure to attach bone armor from Deluxe Fossilizer figures (sold separately)
- Nostalgic Transformation: This 5.5-inch figure converts into a G1-inspired tank mode in 26 steps, complete with rotating turret and shoulder shield
- Destiny Unveiled: Includes a Golden Disk card revealing an alternate destiny for a key character, encouraging collectors to unravel the full story
- Authentic Transformers Experience: Part of the Kingdom line, featuring a clash of Maximals, Predacons, Autobots, and Decepticons in an epic battle
Beastify the battlefield! Worlds collide when the Maximals and Predacons join the fight, coming together with the Autobots and Decepticons in an epic battle that will alter their destiny forever. With the ancient and highly advanced F.O.S.S.I.L. (Fossilized Osteo-Skeletal Shield Integration Loadout) technology, Fossilizer bots, infused with primordial energy, break apart to weaponize their allies. Use Deluxe Fossilizer figures to beastify the Warpath figure with bone armor! (Sold separately, subject to availability.)BLAM! ZING! WHOOSH! With all those onomatopoeia exclamations, the Autobot Warpath must be here! This G1-inspired toy (KABLOOM!) converts into Cybertronian fighter craft mode (KCH-KCH-KCCCHHH-KCHOOM!) in 26 steps. Features rotating tank turret and shoulder shield accessory!Includes a Golden Disk card that reveals a possible destiny of a key character. Collect other Kingdom figures to reveal all 3 alternate destiny variants for each character! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.)
Warpath is one of my favorite G1 characters. A relative purchased the original action figure for me when I was 9 years old and he (and Cosmos) were my two "main" Mini-Bots for many years. His portrayal in the G1 cartoon added to that love with his boisterous and hilarious attitude and speech pattern. Warpath is one of those characters who has popped up many times over the years. Among the previous Warpath figures are:
More recently, this figure was given a new deco and released as Treds, but I deliberately did not go in depth about the sculpt in that review so I shall do that here in this review.
A new style of packaging was introduced with Kingdom. The shape is very similar to what has been seen with Siege and Earthrise featuring a rectangular box that has an angled panel on the left. This time however the box does not have a window in front that shows off the entire figure. Instead, the window is smaller and shows the figure from the mid-body up. This small window has plastic over it, but what this allows for is artwork featuring the character in both modes, something that is extremely uncommon for the Transformers line. Like previous Generations packaging the Transformers logo is set vertically on the right side with the Generations and Takara Tomy logos above it. On the lower part (under the window) is the Kingdom logo. Warpath is shown in vehicle mode and pointing at something robot mode. Behind him is a mountain with the Ark on (or possibly in) it. The artwork is absolutely gorgeous!
The back of the box shows Pipes in both modes calling out a 26 step transformation. Above him is an Autobot symbol. In the corner is a nice, classic callback featuring the Transformers logo with the "More than Meets the Eye" tag line under it. Overall this packaging is beautiful and I think it is really contrasts well with other toys on shelves. Also included is a collector card/sticker. Peel away the sticker and three possible "fates" for the character on the card are revealed. There is no card assigned to specific characters. They are randomly packed.
Warpath includes a shield accessory. This forms part of the vehicle mode where it covers up a gap, and finding a way to collapse it against the vehicle mode may have wound up looking rather awkward. That said, making this an accessory is a cool idea. It fits with the character. After all, if Warpath is charging into battle firing away, it makes sense he'd have a shield to protect himself. This piece is roughly "L" shaped with some really nice details on it including rectangular panels that look like they are bolted into place and what looks like a small ladder (maybe?). This piece is made of red plastic with no paint applications. It features a 5mm peg to attach it to Warpath and a small peg on the outside for Blast Effects.
Robot Mode:
In the G1 toy line Warpath was a very unique figure. The front half of his vehicle mode became his feet and the tank turret formed his chest. He wound up looking like a robot rolling on large treads while blasting away from his chest. The animated series modified the toy's appearance to make him look more humanoid. The front of the vehicle (which formed his feet) was shrunken down significantly in robot mode. The tank turret became his chest and the other parts of the treads wound up on his arms. It is that model that this figure based on. This also includes the robot head, which is round and features thin eyes and a mouthplate with grooves on it. If you're familiar at all with Warpath, he'll be instantly recognizable when you see this figure. The feet are a tad bigger than they appear in the cartoon, but really it's not a big deal at all.
Unlike the animation model from G1, Warpath is absolutely covered in detailing on his sculpt. These parts include a raised circle on top of the turret, raised armor plating and vent-like details. I absolutely love the amount of detail on the figure. He looks spectacular.
Warpath is made up of red and light grey plastic. Paint colors include red, light grey and black. The eyes being black is a callback to the original G1 figure. I am also very impressed by how well the red paint on the grey parts matches the red plastic. There is not a lot of intricate paint detailing on the figure, but honestly I'm not bothered by it. Most portrayals of Warpath show him being mostly red in color so his look is consistent with his media appearances.
There are twenty two points of articulation on this figure. This includes five points in each arm and leg. He also features waist articulation, which you may think he doesn't have given how some parts wind up on his back but he totally does. There are eleven 5mm ports in this mode. Nowadays that would be a lot, but remember, during this particular trilogy part of the focus of the toys was interacting with Battle Masters, Weaponizers and Fossilizers so all these ports make sense. Warpath also features three small pegs to attach Blast Effects. One is on his left forearm, the other is on the right leg. The third is at the tip of his cannon barrel on his chest. This particular one is perfect as it lets you attach Blast Effects that offer a visual reminder of his bombastic personality. On the back of the pelvic area there is a small port that allows you to attach the figure to action figure stands, allowing for a wide range of poses.
Transformation to Vehicle Mode:
- Detach the shield and set it aside for now.
- Straighten out the arms and legs.
- On each forearm, swing half of the tread piece back so it is against the upper arm.
- Swing the arms out to the sides.
- The arms are attached to a piece that forms part of the back. Swing this back piece out.
- There is a panel on the back of the pelvic area. Swing that piece up, then swing the smaller hinged piece up and use it to "fill in" the gap on the back piece. This part is a bit tricky and you'll need to fiddle a bit to get it done.
- Pull the tank cannon forward.
- Swing out the back of the turret.
- Swing the robot head back into the turret, then swing the panel back into place.
- Rotate each lower leg so the inner leg faces you.
- Swing the heel sections out.
- Swing the series of panels that have the treads on the sides back, then rotate the leg around so the treads are pointing at you.
- Swing the tread pieces up.
- Swing the treads back so they are up against the lower leg section.
- On each lower leg there are panels folded in half. Swing up the panel on top, then swing the entire section out against the treads.
- Rotate the legs to bring the middle panels in alignment with each other.
- Swing each arm up against the main body.
- Angle the lower legs out a bit, then swing the lower body up and swing the lower leg panels over the fists, then press them into place.
- Attach the shield to the underside of the tank's front end.
Vehicle Mode:
The original Warpath transformed into a M551 Sheridan tank. To avoid licensing issues, the designers took cues from the G1 animation model and the result is a vehicle mode that looks like it could be a based on a real life vehicle. Like the G1 animation model the tank has a rectangular body that slopes downward in the front, though this form looks a tad wider than the original. The tank turret looks a lot like the original with a roughly oval shape with a small dome on top representing the hatch to enter the vehicle. The detailing in this mode is excellent, with small details that include headlights in front, lines representing armor plates on top and vents in the back.
This mode consolidates the red plastic and painted parts so they make up most of the top of the tank. The treads are light grey (almost an off-white). An Autobot symbol is tampographed on the top panel towards the front of the tank. Again, there's no real need for details beyond this as the tank mode was mostly red in previous incarnations too.
This mode has a small peg on either side to attach Blast Effects (one towards the front, the other towards the back). The turret can turn in a complete circle and the cannon barrel can move up and down. This doesn't sound like a big deal, but over the years there have been many tanks where the turret does not turn completely so this is great to see.
Final Thoughts:
Warpath is awesome. The transformation is a tad awkward at bits, but the complexity, sculpt and aesthetics make this figure a total winner. Getting him mint in box is going to cost you so I'd keep an eye out for loose figures on sale. Highly recommended!
- Excellent sculpt that represents the character very well.
- Good deco with nice color matching between the red paint and plastic.
- Lots of play value between the Blast Effect pegs, 5mm ports and the tank turret being able to turn in vehicle mode.
- The transformation is a tad frustrating at first, but it's very cool once you get the hang of it.