HasLab News: Updates on Victory Saber's Box Art


Hasbro Pulse has posted an update for Victory Saber backers! This time out the focus is on the box art progress for the set. The update reveals that Transformers artist extraordinaire, Guido Guidi has been commissioned to create this artwork. It will also incorporate the classic grid lines from the cartoon's opening credits making for a modern take on the characters with retro elements. Here's a snippet of info from the Hasbro Pulse site:

Working with our design team, Guido explored many different style options to best represent Star Saber, Victory Leo, and the Victory Saber combined mode. He tested how the composition would fit within our packaging constraints, while still looking amazing on your shelf. The classic reformatting gridlines and structure scan design were an important part of the Transformers: Victory animation, and we wanted to make sure we incorporated them in the final art.

Check out all the in-progress artwork in the gallery below!

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